When I showed up to the property to check in, there was a gentleman sitting at the counter and as I proceeded to tell him that I had a reservation in my name, he started to giggle and say I don’t work here. The lady that works here. Had to go away for a little bit. I waited around for a few minutes thinking maybe she just had to run to a guest room or something but after a long day of travel, my husband and I decided to go eat dinner( Cracker Barrel is right up the drive.) when we came back the lady that supposedly works at the front counter was there and she was pleasant enough, but being not from the area, it is very unnerving to be greeted the way we were. When we got to the room it smelled of garlic/bad BO the adjoining door was open to the room next to us which we closed, locked and barricaded when we finally got to bed after a busy day on the road, someone in the other room came in and tried to open our door adjoining our room. Again, being exhausted, knowing that the doors were barricaded and extra security measures have been put in place that we do at every hotel. We went to bed. Woke up the next morning eager to get on the road wasn’t expecting much for breakfast and that was a good thing had expired milk, eggs, and omelettes that were questionable in Ziploc baggies with no ingredient list or expiration dates on them settled for some juice and oatmeal cup. Went to get coffee and they only have decaf coffee. Yes decaf only hotel in this market NEEDS REGULAR COFFEE