Here's what's GREAT about this place: It's beautiful, quaint, near Olympic Centre; the rooms are well-appointed. The elevator works. The rooms are super tiny (less than 1' from end of bed to wall), but it's a big city. I REALLY appreciated meeting Marianna - who kept the beautiful breakfast room incredibly clean and perfectly set up; Harshil who was pleasant and helpful; Veronika - who was consistently gracious and (forgot her name!) the other remarkable front desk attendant. The people who work here are unusually terrific. The breakfast room is bright and sunny and well-stocked.
Now what I didn't like: I stayed in Room 16, which has a patio and looked super cute in the photos. But when I got there, I saw that headboard is velveteen and was streaked black with hair grease, grime and filth from numberless previous guests. It was nauseating! Luckily, I travel with Lysol wipes, but it was gross. This should not be in a hotel! Also, the bathroom light is on a sensor, so no matter what time of the night or morning, if it gets triggered, you're in for 10 minutes of being-able-to-do-surgery-brightness, even if you'd like to go back to sleep. There's no way to turn this feature off! And the "vanity" mirror above the sink is the wattage of a child's night light, which is to say "no use at all". Other than those three unfortunate factors, this was an excellent hotel and I will stay there again - in a room with a solid headboard.