Thief ! 這間青旅有小偷 !盗む注意!I left my coat in lobby since I thought they have a monitor in there , unfortunately, it is just a webcam , so my Kansai Thru Pass and MP3 player were just stolen in this terrible guesthouse , the owner even said because they are cheap so it is not their duty to have monitor or guest”s things stolen , the cleanness is also awful , no privacy ,definitely the worst in Japan . 我把大衣放再客廳想說他們設有監視器,結果只是一個視訊鏡頭,沒想到放在大衣口袋的Mp3播放器和關西周遊券就這樣被偷了,這是間在日韓國人開的青旅,真的非常可怕,老闆還回答因為他們便宜所以沒監視器也很正常,被偷是自己問題;裡面也不乾淨,沒有隱私,置物櫃的鑰匙每個都能開,絕對是全日本最糟的,真的別來住!